But the interesting fact for the country of Indonesia, although the Ducati motorcycle from Italy is priced hundreds of millions above U.S. $ 25 000 still exist a purchase.
According to info that can be trusted, new motor Ducati Superbike 1198S series will enter Indonesia in the near future, April 2009. This motor is going to enliven the market class motor sports or superbike with engine capacity of over 1.000 cc.
Well, usually does every new Ducati bike coming into Indonesia, there have been pemesannya through Authorized Dealer Ducati PT Supermoto Indonesia. That is, there are buyers who are already doing "sales oder", as well as DP aka pay a deposit.
So do not be surprised if in Indonesia at this time many outstanding class motor sport Ducati classmates, because the demand is there. Let the words just a little, but there was still a buy.
For proof, just look at the Ducati MotoGP replica motorcycle racing Desmocedici 1.5 M worth of existing life in Indonesia (see motors profile here).
In addition to the brand Ducati, Aprilia motor sport there is also a reputedly been present in Indonesia through the IU.
Review Ducati 1198S
Welcoming the presence of this bike, there's nothing wrong if we review first. It is said that this bike has an
Welcoming the presence of this bike, there's nothing wrong if we review first. It is said that this bike has an
One of the advantages is the presence of DTC Active devices.
This is the technology of the Ducati-called "Ducati Traction Control" is specifically used in mass production motorcycle in addition to the Ducati Desmosedici RR and the Ducati 1098R.
Another plus is the lighter weight of the 1098S series, closed to within 3 kg and of course a larger capacity motorcycle. The former only 1099cc motor and a new 1198.4 cc. Why Ducati did not all make the motor to 1,200 CC?
Power from the engine resulting from the "Ducati Testastretta Evoluzione L-Twin powerplant" has a greater power. If the previous series "only" produces 160Hp, so now the new motor has been increased to 170hp 1198S.
If you hear the one who had climbed up 1098S, reputedly could bikersnya goosebumps, well especially if you want jajal 1198S series? Tauk dark ah .. :-)
Speksifikasi & a comparison between the 1098S and 1198S
The information is taken directly from the blog DDOCI (Ducati Desmo Owners Club Indonesia), explained that the DTC is similar to the facility traction control (traction control) that is in sports cars or European cars.
Traction Control facility for sports car known as ASR (Anti Slip Recovery System), but the difference in the cars used this feature to avoid a slip or skid car while crossing the street was slick with ice and grind the clay and even oil.
But at the Ducati 1198S Superbike, the device is functioning DTC membalans once synchronizes the rotational speed of the front vs. the rear tires. In this case the DTC can be in the set of the 8 levels of intervention, which at its lowest level then the level of DTC intervention was minimal.
Generally this option is used by racers "real" steering wheel so that the real effect can be maximized while minimizing the risk of losing grip on the rear tire. While the level of the most high 8 or DTC is very obvious interventions, this option is used to bulldoze the track slippery and wet in both circuit and street. Suitable for use by the "rider" to accelerate the timing as well as avoid the hi-side crashes!
How does the Ducati 1198S prices in dollars?
Yapz, we just wait wrote presence. This is not gossip anymore, but the fact this bike is going into Indonesia in the near future.