Cool or Classic Scooter?

Look at this scooter. they are look cool when this scooter was modified. The scooters are from VESPA PIAGGIO. Classic style but look so cool.

Look at this scooter. they are look cool when this scooter was modified. The scooters are from VESPA PIAGGIO. Classic style but look so cool. Look more clearly and try this style modification in your bike. There is a place to passenger when you ride the scooter. ohhh........ so nice.

But, don't satisfied! there is a crazy style modification in this scooter. You will call this style by yourself. Remember! this bike is from VESPA PIAGGIO or SCOOTER? believe it?????????
come on! look and look!

Look at rear bike! get it an engine? yes, that right. It is characteristic of scooter.
So, enjoy your mind to control your style modification.


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